PinnedPatrick HopkinsThe Princess Magica Challenge, Chapters 1–2Chapter 1: The Princess ChallengeJan 11, 2021Jan 11, 2021
Patrick Hopkinsfive things i love about democratsi don’t get the hate directed at democrats of late, so here’s a short list of things i love about them:Oct 8Oct 8
Patrick Hopkinsthe pattern in math powersperfect squares, cubes and numbers raised to other powers get big fast and confuse tons of people. and there are so many of them — an…Sep 19Sep 19
Patrick Hopkinscrazy cat ladyseeing a lot of people talking about the commentary on women in the election.Jul 26Jul 26
Patrick Hopkinsjd vance doesn’t matterand neither does donald trump. (or the assassination attempt. or project 2025.)Jul 16Jul 16
Patrick Hopkinsevaluating project 2025a number of my friends are longtime democratic party volunteers or supporters, so when i saw them worried about project 2025, i took a…Jul 5Jul 5
Patrick Hopkins“how do i find agents to query?”because if an #amquerying friend needed help with this, someone else does too:Jun 29Jun 29
Patrick Hopkinsdnq list updatei think i’ve processed all ~120 dnq list viewing access adds, plus ~half the reports of bad agent behavior. if i missed your add request…Jun 26Jun 26
Patrick Hopkinsdaddy’s top tip for memorizing anythingdaddy’s top tip for memorizing anything is to read to the punctuation, not the end of the line. here’s why:Mar 8Mar 8